Thursday, April 28, 2011

Royal Wedding Biscuits

What better way to test out the Biscuiteer's book than by making some hearts and crowns in honor of the royal wedding? I used the basic biscuit recipe, but added a little more than 1/2 a teaspoon of vanilla paste. I like to see the flecks of vanilla in the cookies.

The trouble with making biscuits for icing is trying not to eat them all before doing the icing...especially if you make the biscuits one day and ice them the next!

I used some sugar 'pearls' in addition to icing.

WC makes me think "water closet"!

The recipe is delicious. Next time, however, I will either make two batches of cookies...or halve the icing recipe. This time, I ended up making another batch of biscuits a day later. The icing stored in the fridge just fine.


knitseashore said...

So pretty! What a nice way to celebrate the wedding tomorrow. I'm going to get up early and watch too. I wonder if Kate will get any sleep tonight??

Unknown said...

Love your Royal-Tea Biscuits!