Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saffy, or should we call her Piglet

The dogs are allowed* to dig in the kennel and dig they do! The holes are carefully worked and made just the right shapes for lounging in with loose dirt for cushioning. I snapped this picture out a window with the zoom since the dogs jump up when I go outside.

Note, the crisscrossed front feet.

*I've given up trying to stop them ;)


2paw said...

Well, that is a perfectly fitted hole!! Just the right size and I love her crossed feet!! They do love digging holes to keep cool!!

knitseashore said...

She is so cute! But how do you stop her from bringing in a lot of dirt into your house? Can she shake it off outside first?

articulateknits said...

Totally adorable picture. I do wonder about the mess...

Sarah said...

The dogs do get dirty, but they must have some doggy fun! We try to run them around the yard and have them shake and roll in the grass before they come in. We have a 'curry comb' type groomer for them and they actually don't mind being vacuumed, so that helps and is amusing too. Still, I have to clean up a lot around here!