Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Picking and Cooking Tomatoes

Yes, I DO realize that the tomato pictures are getting redundant, but it is a short season and I feel like celebrating it! This picture looks like a previous one, but it is today's pickings.

I have no complaints with the tomato harvest, but the nor'easter left the garden in a sorry looking state. The sunflowers are listing, but more or less upright. I was surprised to see that the worst damage was to the peppers, they look like they were twisted about before being beaten to the ground. Some of the eggplants are on the ground too. Sadly, a lot of branches were broken on the tomatillos, so I don't know if the fruits will be able to mature now. The few remaining cosmos were snapped into pieces though most of the other flowers are not too poorly. Everything looks battered and there are bits of torn up plants all over. I wish the weather had held off another couple of weeks, but that's nature for you! The struggle with weather is all part of gardening.

I also picked a lot of cherry tomatoes today. I fancied them jabbed into the top of some focaccia and baked, as pictured in one of my newer cookbook purchases, A Piece of Cake by Leila Lindholm.

I love looking through the beautiful book and am excited that she has another book coming out. I'm not sure when we will see in it the US. I have just discovered I can see some of her show online. I can't understand the language, but I love the video anyway!

This is the first recipe I've tried from the book. The dough was quite stiff, not far from the pasta doughs I've been making up lately, but easily worked.

I decorated it with some Malden Sea Salt, dried rosemary and Kalamata olives in addition to the tomatoes.

I would like to see the show on focaccia to see if I did it the way she intended, but it turned out delicious and pretty, so I'm guessing I did ok with it.

To go along with the bread, I made an old favorite, chicken chasseur, using more tomatoes from the garden.

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