Saturday, May 01, 2010

Happy May Day!

It's apple blossom time!

And, the lilacs are just starting to bloom, with the white ones a day or two ahead of the purple ones.

Some forget-me-nots are blooming in the shady island bed. They are so beautiful and almost look like Capodimonte porcelain! You can see why artisans were inspired to try to replicate them in a more permanent form. You really have to lean in close to best see the tiny blooms.

These little yellow roses are so delicate they feel and look like they are made with tissue paper. They are on tall canes with no thorns. I don't know what they are called as they were here when we moved in. I would love to find out the name sometime.

Those of you who know Saffy know she enjoys smelling flowers. But this time the Lunaria made her sneeze and she started biting the flowers off and spitting them out rather than smelling them! Very funny, though not so great for the garden!

It is early for putting out plants here, but the weather is so warm that I'm tempted. I've grown these zucchini seedlings in pots and might plant them out soon.

The peas are thriving for now, I hope they won't mind the warm spring. I'm already excited about feasting on fresh peas.

1 comment:

2paw said...

I do remember Saffy smelling flowers!! I wonder if they taste sweet?? Everything is flourishing you must have green thumbs!!