Saturday, January 27, 2007

Shrug Update

I can get sooo much knitting done when I am avoiding seaming! Here are the sleeves for the Debbie Bliss Shrug.

I would have two FO's if I would just focus on seaming for awhile. I'll really try to get them done this week =)

I finally saw the rest of The Lost Prince on PBS last night! It's a wonderful film, though a little sad. I won't describe my favorite bits as I don't want to give anything away if you haven't seen it. Miranda Richardson, aka Queenie from Blackadder, plays the Queen in The Lost Prince!


Anonymous said...

After all that incredibly quick knitting!!! I am as bad. I have my CPH, Errol CardiFlynn in pieces still. My excuse is that it is too hot!!!

Anonymous said...

I loved The Lost Prince. It's amazing how one of the most famous and powerful families of the time managed to hide their son from the world.
Good luck with the seaming!