Friday, September 03, 2010

Hurricane Hot Peppers

When the first bands of rain passed overhead around mid-day, the cool drops felt good.

Before the rain arrived, I went out in the heat and humidity to pick peppers. They are jalapenos and cherry hots.

I washed, cored and sliced them.

And I felt like my left hand was on fire from the pepper juice getting on it while I held the peppers for cutting!!!

Jeff came home from work and we pickled them in a mixture of cider vinegar, pickling spice and honey from a book called Small Batch Preserving. We had to triple the recipe...twice! They really do mean "small batch". We ended up with 10 half pints of jalapenos and 2 half pints of cherry hots. There are a couple of halves of garlic cloves in each jar. Here are the hot jars cooling on racks.

I think they are going to be "wicked" hot. We'll let them cure a bit and then try them on some quesadillas, fajitas or nachos.

Saffy, 100% lab, is perfectly content to lounge in the rain for a picture. Silas, with his bit of shepherd parentage, is not so sure it's such a great idea.

We expect Hurricane Earl to pass by out at sea tonight, bringing us rain and wind, but we are hoping it won't be too bad. I don't expect to get much sleep, but I am working on knitting Jeff's sleeves, so I will have plenty to do.


madalyn said...

That's quite the pepper harvest!

2paw said...

I am glad you are not being badly affected by the hurricane. Saffy is all Labrador, they do love the rain, mine have been in and out enjoying the pouring rain all day!!
That is not a small harvest!!!