Monday, October 16, 2006

A Weekend in the Country

This weekend, we visited the family farm in Maine. The first thing the dogs did when they got out of the truck was jump in a mud puddle! Ugh!

There were 300 acres to explore, but it was hard to get them out of the mud! Finally, they had enough mud and went for a run down the lane to a field while we rode our bikes.

One of the back hayfields. You can see Silas, the black dog, running across the field.

Jeff posed on top of an erratic dropped here by the ice sheet.

Then, he rode his bike through the mud. He was almost as bad as the dogs!!

The leaves were still pretty.

Saffy got tired from all the running around and tracking turkeys and deer and stayed close to us after awhile.

This is a wooded path between a couple of the hayfields.

This is me on my bike with the farmhouse in the background.


Anonymous said...

What a fantastic place!! And where else do you think the dogs would be?? Of course they're in the nnud puddles, and then mine usually want a big cuddle then!! Great scenery!! Great place to ride a bike!!

Anonymous said...

How did the dogs do with the bikes? Hopefully they stayed along side of you and didn't run in front too much.

Does this mean you're going back to mountainbiking?

Anonymous said...

'The family farm in Maine' - lovely - wish I had one of those!