Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Knitting Slump

I am definitely experiencing knitting slump. I think it's because it is fall and I am spending as much time outside as I can to make the most of the remaining warm, sunny days. I'm sure I'll have a renewed love of knitting after the frost and will again have lots of knitting content for my blog.

It is fun getting out on the bikes every day that the weather is nice. I love the pace of biking as opposed to driving. Places we've been driving by for years suddenly look new again when seen from a bike!

This little calf was napping in one of the pastures we biked past on Monday.


Anonymous said...

What a sweet face! I love the way you captured the sunlight.

Anonymous said...

You make me sing 'Oklahoma' : Oh what a beautiful morning!!
I was in a slump and it was Spring!! I think it might just be the ebb and flow of life really.