Sunday, March 21, 2010

In Like a Lamb

On the gorgeous, warm 1st day of spring, we got a lot done! After a morning of running around to yard/garden stores, we got to work tilling the garden and planting the peas. Of course, I took some time to enjoy the flowers too. Here are some purple crocus next to a piece of pink quartz.

Jeff did the tilling.

We did the planting together and got it done just in time before the sunset...100' of double rows.

Saffy and Silas got a bunch of exercise. Here's a wild moment of 'keep away'.

Hopefully we won't have anymore seriously cold or snowy weather. I don't want the old saying "in like a lamb, out like a lion" to hold true about this spring!


Kristen said...

Hasn't it been fantastic?
I didn't realize you had such a huge garden. What will you be planting?

knitseashore said...

Oh, peas! Those are going to be so delicious! What else are you planning to do this year?

Sarah said...

Just planning to do some basics this year: green beans, peppers, eggplant, tomatoes. After the tomato blight last summer am not going to put in many. I hope to get some cukes, zukes and winter squash in. Maybe some pumpkins and gourds and tomatillos. And zinnias and sunflowers for some color.

2paw said...

I am so silly, I thought you were planting rows and rows of flowers!! What you actually ARE planting is far more sensible. I love the photo of Saffy and Silas playing, I can feel their excitement!!!