Monday, August 23, 2010

Rainy Day Activity

The garden is looking quite haggard from the rain and wind, but things are still mostly standing, even the sunflowers. Jeff and the dogs bravely scared off more than 10 wild turkeys on the first outing to the yard this morning. Hopefully they won't return for a garden smorgasbord later! I can't tell if the garden damage is from the storm or the turkeys. I don't like picking when everything is soggy, but there is much to harvest.

This was the result of a quick pick this morning, so I'd better get washing and make some more sauce for freezing!


articulateknits said...

What lovely tomatoes you have there.

2paw said...

Wild Turkeys?? My word, I had never imagined them as a pest!!!

knitseashore said...

Do turkeys eat any of the vegetables, or is it that they destroy the plants? I didn't realize they could be a garden pest.