Sunday, May 02, 2010

Garden Critter

While preparing the garden for tilling today, we found this toad. I think they like to live under the plastic mulch where the soil stays soft and damp and they are hidden.

I got peed on for the sake of a blog photo!! EwwwWWW!!!!

What a face! (Jeff took this next photo.)

Hopefully it wasn't too traumatized by the photo shoot and will go back to eating garden pests like grubs and slugs.

We spent the day in the yard, mowing, tilling and preparing the garden for planting. Since the plastic mulch only lasts 3-4 seasons, much of it is new this year. The new plastic mulch had to have holes cut in it for the plants to go in. All the plastic had to be laid out on the tilled garden and weighted down with bricks. It was quite a workout, but all this work now will make weeding minimal later on.

The peas are in the foreground and are the only plants in the veggie garden so far. This week, I think I'll start planting out some of my seedlings.


Kristen said...

I do love toads, and am sorry we rarely see them in the yard. I've learned to aim them away when picking them up, until they are done squirting!

sloth-knits said...

Cute toad!

We just moved into a house. The yard is pretty small and the previous owners did a lot of landscaping, but I'm hoping to find a place/way to plant some veggies!

Sarah said...

Hi Sloth-knits! Congrats on moving into a house. That sounds very exciting and you are lucky to have landscaping already in place! I'll bet you can grow some great veggies whether they are added into the existing beds or put in containers. I haven't seen any new blog posts from you in ages...hope you'll update it with pics of the house and garden! How are the cats settling into the new place? S