Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Very Quick Update

I'm working on some secret Christmas gifts and slowly making progress on the CPH. Tomorrow is going to be rainy, so I plan to do a lot of knitting and post some new pics soon.

In the meantime, I've been out biking a lot and have done 140.34 miles this week. The weather has been pretty nice, considering that it's November. Sunday, Jeff and I biked around Jamestown and Beavertail Point. I stopped to take these pics of the Beavertail lighthouse keeper's house which is now a museum.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe how far you cycle!! Wow. I STILL have to sew up my Errol CardiFlynn...and put in the zip and do the collar......

Anonymous said...

I haven't been out to the lighthouse, but your photos look great, so I'll have to go see it next time! I hope your Christmas presents are coming along too.

Anonymous said...

I bet you are getting a lot of biking in during this Indian Summer weather. I have cut way back since I've been back to work and there is not much daylight left when I get home.