Friday, July 31, 2009

Quick Garden and Knitting Update

I've neglected to update the blog with garden pics through the summer, but the blooms have been lovely. Unfortunately, there have not been as many butterflies this year and I miss them. I wonder if the wet weather has been a problem for them? Here is a picture of the first Casa Blanca of the season. I have them mixed with some coneflowers.

The morning glories, among other things have been under attack from slugs, but there are a few blooms and buds coming along finally. The vine is pretty striped of leaves though.

We've all been enjoying the fresh blueberries from the bushes in the backyard! The rain must have helped as they are extra good this year.

In knitting, I have just a couple of ends to weave in on Lull. I am so bad about getting around to weaving in ends (even just 2-3 more!). To help me procrastinate, I cast on for a new project called Serenity late at night on July 28th. Since then, I have finished the back, both fronts and am well into the sleeves!! It is a cropped, short sleeve top. I'll post the details soon, but right now I want to get back to work on it. I am on a roll!

Monday, July 27, 2009


I've had another blogging lull, but have been busy knitting the pattern named Lull from Rowan Studio 15! Here is an update pic:

The front and back are done and shown pinned together in preparation for seaming and the knitting of arm and neck bands (and possibly a little pocket). I am dreading seaming as summer tweed tends to break on me when I mattress stitch with it, but I'm anxious to press on and have a nice new FO soon!